Monday, July 5, 2010

Aiming for a successful week !!

I emailed Sarah and explained my week to her, about my success and failure. I haven't had such a good week for a very long time, so looking back on it i actually feel kindof proud !! Had a tough one with my mom, but we're doing better now. I think that she's trying to be more considerate now, even if she doesn't want to admit it, because she looks like she's trying to be sensitive and responsive when we're talking to her, more than she has before. But i don't trust her not to go back to her old ways and accusing me for being this and that without really knowing what's going on.

So this is what i told Sarah, and this is what last week looked like.

I did good when my schedule was good. When I started work at 7 am and finished at 5 pm. Then i had my breakfast at 6 am, had a cup of coffee before opening time at 7.45. Lunch at 1 pm, then another cup of coffee at 3 pm and dinner at 5.30 pm. I also drank about 2 liters of water and i exercised after playing with my little sisters and they had gone to bed after 8 pm. I was happy with that, i felt balanced and no need to hurl.

But then i do hours like 11 am to 21 pm with lunch at 3 pm, right in between my supposed meals and then i wont feel hungry until 8 pm, but then there's two problems. 1. I'm still at work and i cant eat and 2. it's too late for me to eat. So im not very balanced those days.

In conclusion, last week i threw up 2 times, took x-lax once and exercised every day in some form- either to compensate the over-eating or to keep my burn high- depending of if i felt balanced or not (balanced= training for burning and unbalanced= training to compensate).

Sarah said she thought i was doing good and that it's normal that it's not gonna work out right at the very start of the rehab. But she also said that i can't use the "im just starting out, im allowed to fail" as an excuse to fail. But i told her my goal was to have one successful week, and she said that sounded good.

Then she worried about my exercising and said it was excessive. I don't think it is, i've cut down alot. Before i did 4 hours hard work out 5 days a week and one day of just walking. Now i do a little bit every day, but different things (always cardio though, as it's more effective to a high calorie burn). But she doesn't see that exercising for compensation and exercising for burning are two different things, but still thinks i excerisise for the wrong reasons. She thinks i should cut down even more and replace those days that i don't exercise with reading or doing arts and crafts. She also thinks i should replace one or two cardio sessions with pilates (or yoga or something else that's relaxing). So she thinks i should cut down to only exercising three times a week (+one walking day if i want to) and not doing all cardio. That would be weird. I don't know what it's like not to do cardio atleast 4 times a week and then do 1 or 2 extra days of light cardio. If i then would like to do something else, like afro dancing or body pump i just add that to my work out. It's gonna be weeeeiiiird to cut down.. but i trust Sarah so Im gonna listen to her.

My new work out schedule is therefor gonna be like this:

Cardio workout, long distance running

Pilates and walking

3k warm-up by slow jogging, middle distance speed work out (exercising of the 2A muscle fibers) and 2k chill-down in a slow pace

Power walking Up-Hill and running Down-Hill



Walking + Yoga

Looks quite boring doesn't it. As I said, im home for the summer, and the town i grew up in doesn't have a gym, so I'm on my own. And i wanna do cardio so this is what i have.

Today, monday, i did good. So i feel like i had a good start of the week !! Will this be my first successful week in a long time?? Who knows...

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