Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thank God for Aldo !!

I just found out a guy i kindof started to like has a girlfriend. It sucks, i liked this guy alot, but im glad i found out now before i got too emotionally involved.

What's more joyful is that i met Aldo today !! He's this 45-50 year old italian guy that spends every summer here with his family and runs a sport fishing travelling company. Now it turns out he sold his company back in Italy and invested whole-heartily in this new company here !! That's nice, I like Aldo and his family !! I asked him today if he associated with this other sport fishing guy i know he knows from my town and he said he didnt. "Mejor solo que mal acompaƱado" he said (which is spanish for being better off alone that in bad company). So true. I kindof look up to him. He's italian and he persued his dream and made it all the way here- all by himself more or less. But with his family, consisting of beautiful wife and down-to-earth Miki whom he shares is passion for fishing with and his two sons Gabriel and Moreno (round 18-20 years). I wouldn't leave italy for this, that's for sure, but the thing is: he wanted to do that, he had his family behind him, he speaks fluent italian, spanish, french and english and even a bit swedish (!!) probably german aswell... im so glad i found out about that guy i liked having a girlfriend today, because meeting Aldo made my day.

Had a baaad day, foodwise today. Puked 2-3 times again... i really need to get back into that great flow i was in at the beginning of the week. I'll get back on my feet tomorrow

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